Ultra Tyndarius

This fight is pretty simple and can be completed in 2-3 minutes should everyone accomplish their roles adequately. The Dragon of Time is meant to taunt if you are not using pots, with pots you will burst it down fast enough that it is not needed.

Try to avoid having both orbs spawn at the same time.

Class Enhancements Consumables Extra Information
LR Arcana's Concerto/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the left orb.
DoT Elysium/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Potent Honor Role is to burst right orb down before it breathes. Help with left orb if you finish earlier.
LOO Awe Blast/Forge/Absolution Body/Divine Elixir + Potent Honor Attack tyndarius, keep buffs up.
AP Valiance or Ravenous/Forge/Vainglory Fate/Destruction Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Enter the room first and debuff tyndarius with 4. Loop your taunts on it.

Alternative comps

Class Enhancements Consumables Extra Information
LR Arcana's Concerto/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the left orb.
AI Valiance Elysium/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the right orb. Help with left orb if you finish earlier. Prestacking AI is preferred.
LOO Awe Blast/Forge/Absolution Body/Divine Elixir + Potent Honor Attack tyndarius, keep buffs up.
AP Valiance or Ravenous/Forge/Vainglory Fate/Destruction Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Enter the room first and debuff tyndarius with 4. Loop your taunts on it.
Class Enhancements Consumables Extra Information
LR Arcana's Concerto/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the left orb.
DoT Elysium/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the right orb. Help with left orb if you finish earlier.
LOO Awe Blast/Forge/Absolution Body/Divine Elixir + Potent Honor Attack tyndarius, keep buffs up.
AP Valiance or Ravenous/Forge/Vainglory Fate/Destruction Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Enter the room first and debuff tyndarius with 4. Loop your taunts on it.
Class Enhancements Consumables Extra Information
LR Arcana's Concerto/Wizard/Vainglory Sage/Malevolence Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the left orb.
CaV Valiance or Dauntless/Anima/Vainglory Fate/Destruction Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Role is to loop taunt and defeat the right orb. Help with left orb if you finish earlier.
LOO Awe Blast/Forge/Absolution Body/Divine Elixir + Potent Honor Attack tyndarius, keep buffs up.
AP Valiance or Ravenous/Forge/Vainglory Fate/Destruction Elixir + Scroll of Enrage Enter the room first and debuff tyndarius with 4. Loop your taunts on it.