Sepulchure's Doomknight Armour
Before you embark on this grind, make sure to have Rank 10 Doomknight (Membership required) in your inventory, as it is essential to start on ”The Doom that Looms” quest. Membership is also required to progress through this entire questline. Once the armour is obtained, it can be used as a non-mem player.
Thank you Rambit (Redamabit) for your contributions here, guide being written by him.
This Armor grants
- Access to the best Void Aura farming quest (a literal pay to win method) in the game that can be accessed even if the user is no longer renewing their membership.
- The main use of the armor is to expedite the user's farm for:
- The Necrotic Sword of Doom (NSoD for short) and its boosted variants
- Braeus's Quests at /shadowfall
- Lae's Quests for /hollowdeep's HollowBorn DoomKnight set, especially one of the most sought after and IoDA top choices the 51% Static Hollowborn Sword of Doom
You can start the questchain for the SDKA by speaking to Vayle, located right beside Artix at /necropolis.
Phase 1 Bloom and Doom
”Sepulchure’s Armour”
- Obtain the DoomKnight Hood (Cost: 6,000 Gold / Membership required).
- Collect 40x Dark Spirit Orb.
- Drop Rate: 100% from the quest "Dark Spirit Orbs."
- Stacking Limit: 65,000x
- Acquired by completing the "Dark Spirit Orbs" quest methods.
- Remember to keep the reward Experimental Dark Item(Cost: N/A; Mem AC item) and bank it until you need it for the final quest.
”The Doom that Looms”
- Ensuring you have DoomKnight, Rank 10 , the gigachad 0 AC version (you need the new Warrior, Rank10 and new Healer, Rank 10 not the rare tagged variants for the returning players so just use any Class Boost from logging in 5 days in a row, Ragnar's Daily Boosts or Wheel of Doom Merge to speed up your ranking up) or the 2000 AC Member variant, based on your preference.
Phase 2A: Pondering the (Dark Spirit) Orbs
Similar to Blinding Light of Destiny, this is the only really grindy and considered the hardest part of the questline, here you must farm over 10,500 Dark Spirit Orbs using the previously outlined methods. It is recommended you only do ”Toiling with Terror” daily then just do ”A Penny for Your Foughts.” and multi turn in over and over until done.
”Toiling with Terror”
- Navigate to /battleundera to obtain the Shadow Terror Axe.
- Collect Elders' Blood (Cost: N/A; non-mem gold item) (stacks to 20x) from either Experiment 107: Elder's Blood Potion from /arcangrove (this is a daily quest from Reens just enter tower and goto right most platform and pick Daily Tasks.)
Assisting Crag and Bamboozle if you own Tendurr the Assistant and Crag and Bamboozle
”A Penny for Your Foughts”
- Gather 20 DoomCoin at /maul.
- (Cost: N/A ; stacks to 1000x) your bread and butter for this phase due to multi turn ins and fast respawn rates please do take advantage of the Artix Calendar schedule to be updated on upcoming boosts to maximize your farm grind.
- Gather 20 DoomCoin at /maul.
”Dark Spirit Donation”
- You must retrieve the Dark Skull from Shadow Imps and other mobs in /necrocavern (Cost: N/A; quest misc item**) and at least 100 Dark Spirit Orbs as you only need to do this quest once. This quest enables for certain mobs to drop Dark Energy (Cost: N/A ; AC Legend Item, stacks to 10,000x)
"Dark Spirit Orbs"
- Acquire the Shadow Serpent Scythe (Cost: **N/A; non-mem non-AC weapon). -optionally you may complete the quest in /bludrut4.
- Travel to /bludrut2 and defeat the Shadow Creepers to obtain the Shadow Creeper Enchant (Cost: N/A; non-mem gold helm).
- Head over to /marsh and banish the Dark Witch to collect a total of 6 Shadow Whiskers (Cost: N/A; temp quest item, stacks to 6x).
Phase 2B Manifesting Malefic Metallurgy
Once you’ve gathered enough Dark Spirit Orbs, complete the “Hard Core Metals” daily quest three times. Collect Arsenic, Chromium, and Rhodium for the upgrades (Add Palladium as an additional daily in case you don't want to rely on RNG for Doom Aura later on). (All base metals are AC non-mem, they all stack to 10x)
- "Hard Core Metals"
- Venture to /stalagbite and beat up the Balboa.
- they drop Axe of the Prospector (Cost: N/A ; Gold Non Mem Weapon, not stackable) and Raw Ore x30 (Cost: N/A ; temp misc Item, stacks to 60x)
- Venture to /stalagbite and beat up the Balboa.
Each metal upgrade requests (Evil Alliteration Metal of DOOM) similar drops as Arsenic:
- Accursed Arsenic Hex:
- Dark Energy x26: Obtain from Sanguine Souleater Version 1 (mob of 3 in level 11) from /temple or Chaos Vampire Knights (mob of 3 in screen 5) at /lycan
- Dark Spirit Orb x6: As mentioned.
- Deadly Knightshade x16: Defeat Seed Spitters at /arcangrove (as of 2024 the screen on the right of Arcangrove tower has a mob of 3) (Cost: N/A; temp quest item, stacks to 32x).
As of now, you must have...
- 10,518 Dark Spirit Orbs
- 1 Accursed Arsenic
- 1 Calamitous Chromium
- 1 Reprehensible Rhodium
- (Optional) 1 Pernicious Palladium
Phase 3 Orb Merger
- Access Vayle's DOOM Merge at /necropolis and merge these:
- Merge 10,500 Dark Spirit Orbs into 105 Corrupt Spirit Orbs.
- Merge 100 Corrupt Spirit Orbs into 2 Ominous Auras.
Go to /dwarfhold to speak with Geopetal and forge the
Accursed Arsenic of Doom.
- Defeat an Albino Bat at /dwarfhold for a Forge Key (Cost: N/A; misc quest item).
- Merge and turn in [Accursed Arsenic of Doom](Accursed Arsenic of Doom).
- Quest can only be done once
DoomSquire Weapon Kit
- Complete this quest THREE(or FOUR for anti RNG method) times.
- Gather the following:
- Skeletal Warriors at /castleundead (left room has 2). or buy it from the Loremasters in /greenguardwest and /greenguardeast for 4000gold
- War Mummy Wrap(actual non mem cape) from
War Mummies at /sandcastle - Noob Blade Oil x1
- Dropped by Horc Noob in /noobshire and /tutor
- Bronze Brush x1
- Dropped by Bronze Draconian
- access point to monster is /underlair Northwest of Screen 1
- Burlap Cloth x4
- Elemental Stone Sharpener x1
- Dropped by Rock Elemental (1)from - /bludrut-
- can accessed by Ladder near Fire Thief Ghost in /bludrut2 -
- taxiable if BattleBuddy has unlocked/cleared boss area quest
- Dark Makai Lacquer Finish x1
- Dropped by Dark Makai (Level 25)
- mobs located at Evil Marsh Nulgath (Location) Tercessuinotlim
DoomSoldier Weapon Kit
- Complete this quest THREE(or FOUR for anti RNG method) times.
- Gather the following:
- Stone Hammer (non-mem non-AC weapon Price N/A:)
- (Dropped by Stone Golem) in /cornelisor /pollution
- Superior Blade Oil x1
- Dropped by Dai Tengu (1) from - Hachiko Hotel (Location)
- (you can also use Braeus's Fast Travel menu button to Hachiko from /shadowfall)
- Leatherwing Hide x10
- Dropped by Leatherwing in - /guru /pines
- Silver Brush x1(stacks more than 1)
- Dropped by:
- Leather Case x1
- Dropped by Tomb Robber (Version 1)from /sandport
- Shadowstone Sharpener x1
- Dropped by:
- Shadow Lacquer Finish x1
- Dropped by Shadow Vordredon: /vordredboss
- solo map and requires completion of DoomWood Part 1 Saga
- either choose any choice except backstab Artix to kill him or
- or press Pick a battle button unless /vordredboss is glitched out even if the questline is completed
- Copper Awl x1
- Dropped by Copper Sky Pirate at /anders
- Stone Hammer (non-mem non-AC weapon Price N/A:)
DoomKnight Weapon Kit
Complete this quest FOUR(or FIVE for anti RNG method) times. Especially if you haven't acquired at least 3 Ominous Auras.
Gather the following:
- Grumpy Warhammer (Legend Non-AC Weapon)
- Dropped by: Sneeviltron (Monster)
- from /boxeswalk/sprint/emote right
- No. 1337 Blade Oil x1
- Dropped by Kitsune (Monster) (1)in /kitsune
- Gold Brush x1
- Dropped by Chaos Sphinx (Version 1)in /sandcastle
- use Chaos Beast Statue from /museum to access zone boss right away
- Non-abrasive Power Powder x1
- Dropped by ProtoSartoriumin /crashsite
- ShadowDragon Hide x3
- Dropped by Shadow Dragon (Necro Cavern)
- use Fast Travel menu from Braeus at /shadowfall and select NecroCavern then walk to the screen below
- Moganth's Stone Sharpener x1
- Dropped by Moganth (DragonPlane)from /dragonplane
- taxiable if you have a BattleBuddy who cleared that area otherwise finish the questline to get the badge and clear the area
- Doom Lacquer Finish x1
- Dropped by Shadow Nukemichi
- taxiable if you have a BattleBuddy who cleared that area otherwise finish the questline on your own
- Dark Wyvern Hide Travel Case x1
- Dropped by Dark Wyvern
- Grumpy Warhammer (Legend Non-AC Weapon)
NOTE: a couple of these mem AC Tagged do drop at random so hoard them for the final phase
- Corrupt Spirit Orb x10
- Ominous Aura x3
- Dark Spirit Orb x100
Before Moving to Phase 4, Gather:
- 1 Accursed Arsenic of Doom
- 3(or 4) DoomSquire Weapon Kits
- 3(or 4) DoomSoldier Weapon Kits
- 4(or 5) DoomKnight Weapon Kits
- 3 or more Ominous Aura
Step 4: Festering Finite Foreclosure
- Access Vayle's DOOM Merge shop at /necropolis. Complete merges for the Daggers, Bow, then Broadsword.
Open Vayle's merge shop at /necropolis and merge the Daggers of Destruction > Shadow Daggers of Destruction > Necrotic Daggers of Destruction.
Use this weapon to complete the "Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Daggers" quest from Vayle for 30 Ominous Auras.
Spend time obtaining 30 Ominous Auras for the corresponding quest by battling at /dwarfhold against Chaos Drows.
Merge 25 Auras into 1 Diabolical Aura at Vayle's DOOM Merge
Merge Reprehensible Rhodium > Reprehensible Rhodium of Doom.
- Do this at Geopetal's forge at /dwarfhold.
Merge Bow of the Shadows to ShadowBow of the Shadows to Necrotic Bow of the Shadow in Vayle's DOOM Merge at /necropolis.
Merge Broadsword of Bane > Shadow Broadsword of Bane > Necrotic Broadsword of Bane at Vayle's DOOM Merge at /necropolis.
Complete "Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Broadsword"
Do this for a Diabolical Aura.
We've come a long way, just double-check if you have:
- Necrotic Daggers of Destruction
- Necrotic Broadsword of Bane
- Necrotic Bow of the Shadow
- Necrotic Scythe of Scourge (for Doom Aura if you didn't get it yet from pinpoint quests).
Phase 5: Forbearing Forlorn Finale
- Collate the following items:
- Dark Spirit Orb x500 (10 turn-ins worth of 50 per 10 fragments each Bow)
- Corrupt Spirit Orbx250 (10 turn-ins worth of 25orbs per 10 fragments each Bow)
- Ominous Aura x125 (25 turn-ins worth of 5 auras per 10 fragments each daggers)
- Diabolical Aura x75 (75 turn-ins worth of 1 aura per 10 fragments each broadsword)
- Experimental Dark Item
- Heart of Darkness x1 (temp misc drop item)
- Dropped by Dark Elemental (Level 6) found in either - /clubhouse Ruins
- Doom Aura x1 (a guaranteed 100% drop from the Scythe, but for other weps only 1% AC Mem quest item).
- DoomKnight Weapon Kit x1
- Complete "Pinpoint the Pieces with __"or Bow x10, Daggers x25, and Broadsword x75.
Note that DoomKnight Armor Piece x10 (Stacks up to 1,000)
so that is a total of 1100 Doomknight Armor Pieces or 110 multi turn-ins or less if you have some resources leftover.
If still frustrated and unlucky at getting skill issue'd merge go for
Necrotic Scythe of Scourge which will give you the Doom Aura after 1 turn in.
Ragequit or Grind the choice is yours.
Enjoy your Rewards:
- Sepulchure's Armor Character Page Badge
- Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor (Cost: N/A, Non-mem AC)