Sepulchure's Doomknight Armour

Before you embark on this grind, make sure to have Rank 10 Doomknight (Membership required) in your inventory, as it is essential to start on ”The Doom that Looms” quest. Membership is also required to progress through this entire questline. Once the armour is obtained, it can be used as a non-mem player.

Thank you Rambit (Redamabit) for your contributions here, guide being written by him.

This Armor grants

You can start the questchain for the SDKA by speaking to Vayle, located right beside Artix at /necropolis.

Phase 1 Bloom and Doom

Phase 2A: Pondering the (Dark Spirit) Orbs

Similar to Blinding Light of Destiny, this is the only really grindy and considered the hardest part of the questline, here you must farm over 10,500 Dark Spirit Orbs using the previously outlined methods. It is recommended you only do ”Toiling with Terror” daily then just do ”A Penny for Your Foughts.” and multi turn in over and over until done.

Phase 2B Manifesting Malefic Metallurgy

Once you’ve gathered enough Dark Spirit Orbs, complete the “Hard Core Metals” daily quest three times. Collect Arsenic, Chromium, and Rhodium for the upgrades (Add Palladium as an additional daily in case you don't want to rely on RNG for Doom Aura later on). (All base metals are AC non-mem, they all stack to 10x)

Each metal upgrade requests (Evil Alliteration Metal of DOOM) similar drops as Arsenic:

As of now, you must have...

Phase 3 Orb Merger

Go to /dwarfhold to speak with Geopetal and forge the

NOTE: a couple of these mem AC Tagged do drop at random so hoard them for the final phase

Before Moving to Phase 4, Gather:

Step 4: Festering Finite Foreclosure

We've come a long way, just double-check if you have:

Phase 5: Forbearing Forlorn Finale

Note that DoomKnight Armor Piece x10 (Stacks up to 1,000)
so that is a total of 1100 Doomknight Armor Pieces or 110 multi turn-ins or less if you have some resources leftover.

If still frustrated and unlucky at getting skill issue'd merge go for
Necrotic Scythe of Scourge which will give you the Doom Aura after 1 turn in.
Ragequit or Grind the choice is yours.

Enjoy your Rewards: