Radiant Goddess of War
The braindead armour that provides 50% to every race in the game along with resource boosts. It’s a very convenient armour and only 10% off the maximum possible boost in the game (75% * 35%). Grind isn’t as bad as you think as most of it is prerequisites of previous stuff you already done, assuming you’re at endgame.
Stuff you should probably have beforehand from doing everything else:
- Fire Champion's Armor
- Drakath Armour (Need Empowered Version for quest)
- Awescended
- Blinding Light of Destiny
- Rank 10 Good
- Malgor the ShadowLord assuming you done dauntless
I’ll only list “new” grinds below but you might’ve done these already.
Classic Hollowborn Paladin Armor
Requires Lae's Hardcore Contract to start.
- ”Let’s get you a suit”
- Sparrow's Blood 1x From Reen’s quests in /arcangrove
- Brilliant Aura 1x from Mace of Destiny quest (check Blinding Light of Destiny guide)
- Dark Arts Scholar buy in /lightguard from doomwood rep shop
- 20k Gold
- Gem of Superiority 1x
- Dropped by the following mobs all in /shadowblast
- Exalted Paladin Seal 1x from /darkthronehub shop
- Condensed Mana 1x from /timevoid Unending Avatar
- Human Soul 200x from /noxustower
Requires the following items
Hollowborn Paladin (Previous Quest reward)
”I Got your Back (and your Top)”
- Templar's Helm of Light 1x
- Dropped by Red Dragon (Monster)
- Alternatively bought from Artix at /necropolis
- Destiny Cloak 1x
- Can be bought at /necropolis Doomwood Rep Shop
- Dark Aura Gem 1x
- Obtained by doing the ”Alignment Quest: Light… or Dark?”
- At /river
- Shadow Dragon Soul 1x
- From defeating shadow dragon at /necrocavern
- Cryptkeeper Lich's Head 1x
- Dropped by Cryptkeeper Lich
- Human Soul 200x from /noxustower
- Templar's Helm of Light 1x
Requires the following items
Ascended Light of Destiny (Merged in /mountdoomskull)
Hollowborn Paladin (Previous Quest Reward)
Hollowborn Paladin Helmet (Previous Quest Reward)
”The Dark Sacrifice”
- Unidentified 25
- Merge for it with Unmoulded Fiend Essence
- 15 mil gold
- Seal of Light 1x
- From /alteonbattle the ”Seal of Light” quest
- Seal of Darkness 1x
- From /sepulchurebattle the ”Seal of Darkness” quest
- Undead Skull 1x
- Dropped by skeleton minion at /artixpointe
- Omni Artifact 1x
- Also merged at /artixpointe
- I’m pretty sure merge items are all quest rewards from his quests
- Human Soul 300x from /noxustower
- Unidentified 25
Requires the following items
”The Post Summoning”
- Shadow Seal
- Dropped by the following mobs at /shadowblast
- Shadow Seal
Void Beetle Warlord
- Beetle General pet merged at /templesiege
- Gem of Nulgath 150x
- Shadow Extract 30x
- Unidentified 13 13x
- Tainted Gem 500x
- Dark Crystal Shard 250x
- Diamond of Nulgath 750x
- Blood Gem of the Archfiend 75x
- Do the Beetle General Pet Quests specifically metamorphosis
- Beetle Warlord Pet is the reward
- Do the Beetle Warlord Quests
- Should reward the armour
Goddess Of War
- Purified Undead Dragon Essence 3x
- Do I’m Gonna Let it Shine
- Purification Orb 10x
- From /doomwood Undead Paladin
- Rainbow Moonstone 5x
- Desolich's Dark Horn 3x
- Kill /desolich
- Purification Orb 10x
- Do I’m Gonna Let it Shine
- Ice Shard (2) 50x
- Do the Enchanted Ice Shards Quest
- Kill Izotz
- Do the Enchanted Ice Shards Quest
Hollowborn Doomblade (Sword) 1x
- Goddess Of War Prestige Cloak 1x
- Dragon's Tear 1x