
You can start these quests from Trissa at the /museum by the crossroads. These quests each have level requirements, the final quest requiring you to have level 100. Please use the Levelling Guide if needed.

You can also start doing the daily Dage Scroll's for the Drakath Armour as you will also need this.

Requires level 25

Requires level 25

Requires level 25

Requires level 25

Requires level 25

Requires level 50
This is one of the more difficult quests if you have to farm the items from scratch, if you have already farmed these items utilise your buy back in manage account.

Requires level 75
Another long farm, requires you to have finished the /hyperium storyline so do that first.

Requires level 100
Needs a bunch of farms completed, this is probably your longest if you haven't done these beforehand.

You should now have the awescension badge and be able to access the shop. This gives you access to some damage boosted weapons (a 40%) and the armour gives a lot of rep/cp/gold boosts in comparison to the armour of awe set.