Timeless Chronomancer

Timeless chronomancer (TCM) is possibly one of the more complex chronos to use, mainly due to the fact it has multiple consumables which will prioritise different sorts of playstyles.

Since this is the case, I will add a separate guide per hourglass for the purposes of being thorough:

TCM - Transience
TCM - Power
TCM - Paradise

Outside of hourglasses there are other consumables, for TCM they are known as corruptions, and it is important to note that Underworld chronomancer’s (UCM) timepiece’s also apply for TCM. Due to the fact there are a lot of consumable’s to cover I’m going to try list what changes they do in the skills overview section.

With thanks to the following for extra information:

DISCLAIMER: I do not personally own UCM, so the consumables specific to UCM are not really tested so I cannot give any additional information than what is already given by SLGMA and others. If you’d like to test these yourself then that’ll be great.

Skills Overview

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This is your auto attack which tends to do the most damage outside of your nuke, this will be what mainly feeds into your nukes recorded damage.

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This skill is used to stack temporal rifts for your nuke as well as starting the recording for the damage feed into the nuke. It is meant to be used a lot so that you can stack your rifts for the eventual nuke.

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This skill is usually used after your nukes in order to heal, using the base class rotation. Or if you get hit hard you may have to just heal instead of nuking to avoid death.

With infinite corruption it is useful to use this after your 4 to increase your all out and to make sure your HoT is squared. Refer to DoT and HoT mechanics section.

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This skill is usually what you start every rotation with due to the buffs it applies. It also activates majority of the consumables buffs/debuffs so it is integral to the use of the class.

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Used to just nuke hit hard and big boom. Use once you have 4 rifts, though it is okay to use it with 3 stacks as it also provides decent ish damage.


While I have specified what the non hourglass consumables do in each skill, here I’ll reiterate and explain the general use for each consumable.

Entropic Corruption

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Big damage, big risks, great in parties due to boost scaling. Often used alongside Hourglass of Power.

Infinite Corruption

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Often used with Hourglassof Transience if you do not have dauntless. Due to the fact the HoT output is kinda low ish, it is recommended to square the output. So utilise Corruption Through Time’s (4) 20% all out buff and then apply the HoT.

Foresee Corruption

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Generally this allows a slow but large nuke, but it is often much better to use the other consumables due to the slow overall dps. This only procs every 40 or so seconds.

Timepiece of Inevitability

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I can’t account for the playstyle or use cases myself for the timepieces, the information below is based on SLGMA’s guide.

Refer to his guide here.

Used with Hourglass of Power + Inevitability due to the extra damage feeded in from snap. For overall higher nukes. There is a complex Hourglass of Transcience rotation with this also.

Timepiece of Madness

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With Hourglass of Power + Madness, the idea is to line up your nukes with the 5 stacks of Mad to deal big funny numbers. There is a Transcience + Madness rotation but you are required to manage your HP well to avoid accidentally dying.

Timepiece of Pestilence

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General idea with this timepeice is to gather stacks while nuking. This reduces your own defense so it can be quite risky.


Situation Enhancements Rating Extra Information
Solo Dauntless/Anima/Vainglory or Lament 9/10 Good for all out damage.
Solo (alternative) Lacerate or Valiance/Anima/Vainglory or Lament 8/10 Can be swapped for Lament for more crit chance.

There are no farming alternatives here, if you’re ever going to farm with this class you’re going to farm a boss to which you’d use either example above. Don’t use this to farm mobs.


This class has many consumables but generally with this you will not necessarily deviate much from the basic 4 rift combo, though depends on the situation.

Basic 4 Rift Rotation

Sometimes it’s just better to just pot and run feli if you’re not using a corruption/timepiece. Entropy works too but you also lose some survivability.

Extra Information

Refer to the Chrono Section for the Stats & Misc area for general information, this will be specified for TCM. This section is to tell you how to optimise damage with TCM, I will go over the base class in this section as well as under the effects of particular consumables if they effect the class nukes in any way.

Chronos like TCM are literally funny number machine due to the fact they utilise so many buffs together the damage for nukes is exponential. Utilising pots and

The base class takes in the following buffs into the nuke:

TCM’s coefficient is 1.3

Rifts multiplier stacks like this:

The base mag out for TCM is at 32% so 1.32

The base crit mod for TCM is at 260% so 2.6

All out is at 1.2 or 20% due to the fact you’re most likely going to be nuking while Corruption Through Time (4) effect is active.

So our final equation looks like this (this assumes you crit)


With the base class this will be at 4 rifts:
1.5 (4 rifts) x 1.3 (coefficient) x 1.2 (all out buffs) x 1.32 (mag out buffs) x 2.6 (crit mod buffs) = 8.031

All Out is at 1.2 since you get 20% buff from using Corruption Through Time (4). And 99% of scenarios you’re going to have 4 active when you nuke

Damage done during the most recent 10 seconds from the first temporal rift applying, will then be multiplied by the value above at 4 rifts, assuming you are using the base class.

While this is technically the most damage you can do without the use of corruptions/pots using the base class, you can shorten your nuke cycles by using less rifts, however your damage will be much less effective. Here are the multipliers at different stacks (non-crit in brackets):

It is recommended to nuke at 3 stacks while you still have mostly effective nuke multipliers, . This knowledge can be useful when trying to quickly farm bosses and prevent you from overkilling the boss.

With the information established above, I will now state the differences in nukes with some of the different corruptions.

Entropic Corruption
Gives an All Out buff of 100% and a haste buff of 30% so you can feed in more damage. The all out buff total is going to be 120%, which is big so you’ll see some significant changes in the nuke multiplier (non-crit in brackets).

I’m pretty sure you see the numbers above but just to reiterate, if you did 30k damage in 10 seconds (you’ll do a lot more trust me), it would cause the final nuke to do 441k worth of damage on crit. Supports with this class scale so well it’s crazy.

Foresee Corruption
This one gives a multitude of buffs during the Change The Future aura, it applies 100% to Dodge, Haste, Hit chance, Crit Damage, and all out increase. The main two we’re interested in is the 100% to all out and 100% to crit damage (crit mod). This’ll lead 120% all out and 360% crit multi, very big improvements, though this can only be accessed every 40 seconds.

Felicitous Philtre
A potion that grants 50% more luck, pretty great on this chrono due to the fact it applies to the damage you feed in and the actual nuke too. Numbers may vary but should be around the same.
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This leads to a 315% crit mod, a boost in other areas but they don’t necessarily apply to our nuke.