Empyrean Chronomancer

While not considered a meta chronomancer, it's fun to use and can be a source of big damage. It has a large nuke coefficient and somewhat decent nuke cooldown, making it great for deleting damage sponge mobs. It's a pretty basic class overall.

It goes by a few names, like Immortal Chronomancer, Empyrean Chronomancer, or Eternal Chronomancer. During this guide I'll refer to it as ECM.

If you wish to buy this class, buy it from /curio. You get the cosmetics alongside Immortal and Empyrean Chronomancer for 6k AC's.

Skills Overview

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Average auto attack experience, nothing special here.

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This skill is crucial for maintaining high burst damage by stacking Deadlock, which is necessary for activating Enter Infinity. You’ll be using it alongside your third skill to build Deadlock stacks efficiently. Before using your fourth skill (nuke), make sure either Enter Infinity or The Fourth Dimension is active, as they provide beneficial boosts depending on scenario.

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This skill determines how much damage your fourth skill (nuke) will deal by stacking temporal rift, which acts as a multiplier. It also helps build deadlock, triggering the fourth dimension effect when reaching 8 stacks. Proper timing is key—before nuking, ensure either the fourth dimension or enter infinity is active to maximize your damage. Use this skill alongside eternal deadlock to set up your nukes.

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Used to nuke and do big damage. Use once you have 4 rifts and preferably either “The Fourth Dimension” active for extra damage or “Enter Infinity” for consistent crits. Works with 2-3 rifts if you don’t need absurd numbers and just need a quick kill.

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This skill is usually applied at the start of the rotation or sometimes in the middle if you require some additional HoT for survivability. General utility skill that provides decent buffs.


Situation Enhancements Rating Extra Information
DPS Soloing Dauntless/Anima/Lament or Vainglory 8/10 Fast cooldowns and consistent crit chance even when using The Fourth Dimension buff instead. Mainly solo.
DPS Soloing (alternative) Valiance/Anima/Vainglory 9/10 Best in parties, don’t have to worry about haste and you just go stupid on nukes.


This is a somewhat basic class, despite there being two auras that you need to manage, they pretty much intertwine with one another.

The main game plan depends on what build you’re using and whether you’re solo or in a group. As you’ll be using different buffs. At 8 Deadlock stacks using 2 skill, applies “Enter Infinity” buffing your Crit Chance for extra consistency. “The Fourth Dimension” is used when you want to maximise your damage.

I suggest using the alternative build when in a group. Ideally be buffed by a LOO or LR to increase your Haste and Crit Chance, making it so you can focus on dealing damage. The rotation you will be using is:
5-2 (start)
3-2-3-2-3-2-5-2-3-4 (Applies The Fourth Dimension buff)

In solo situations using this rotation may be slightly inconsistent as you’ll be using the other build. However, If you want that extra consistency you can instead run this rotation:
5-2 (start)
3-2-3-2-3-2-3-2-4 (Applies Enter Infinity buff)

These rotations are designed such that the Deadlock buffs apply right before you nuke. Due to the communities misconceptions regarding the class, it doesn’t hold much popularity in pubs and likely you won’t get much usage.