Chronomancer Prime

Possibly one of the easiest chronos to use with great overall output. Short nuke cycles with high damage, good for majority of game content, making it a great first pick chronomancer.

Thank you to the following people for providing me with information:

Skills Overview

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Short cooldowns, so spam this for stacking rifts quickly. Used to also start the recording for your damage feeds into the nuke.

Manage the amount of rifts you use depending on the HP of the enemy.

I usually take images from the wiki, for some reason they didn’t crop it.
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Used as a heal skill, consumes your stacks of temporal rifts. This also provides you with additional haste so depending on your build you may start with this.

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Uses up your stacks of temporal rifts and nukes, fun skill.

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Reduces enemy dodge, mainly so your nuke doesn’t end up missing.


Situation Enhancements Rating Extra Information
Damage Dauntless/Anima/Vainglory 9/10 Fast haste, utilise 5 to make sure you don’t miss. Drop 3 due to already fat haste buff.
Damage (alternative) Lacerate/Anima/Vainglory 8/10 Due to lacerate decreasing enemy dodge, you don’t need to use 5. Utilise 3 for a haste buff.


Due to the simplicity of the skills the class doesn’t necessarily require you to do much. You just need to know when to use either 5 or 3. You should also manage the amount of stacks of temporal rift you have, as sometimes the boss doesn’t require you to stack to 4 due to it’s lack of HP.

When using dauntless or having supports:

When using lacerate:

You can stack upto 7 rifts before the nuke feed reaches 10 seconds.

Extra Information

I don’t have the class myself so there’s no practical testing.

CMP’s Coefficient is 1

The nuke takes the following outgoing modifiers into the nuke:

Rifts multiplier stacks like this:

Final equation for the nuke multiplier would be this.
