Chrono ShadowSlayer

Dec 27, 2024 6:24 PM
Feb 11, 2025 3:52 PM

This is probably one of the more weird chronos, not really that complex to use as some people make it out to be. It is possibly one of the best DPS Chrono currently (2024) due to the really fast nuke rotations and high damage output. It also has dodge, being able to solo one shot bosses too. It is recommended to pilot this class with Feli.

Also this video by Wanderlust is pretty much all you need to know about CSS if you prefer video guides.

There are some mechanics to understand, as there are two modes for it, but generally it is quite a simple class to use.

Also I’ll be using Auto to refer to skill 1 in this guide, even though it’s not an auto.

Skills Overview

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This skill is manually used, meaning that as opposed to most auto attacks (skill 1), it has to be triggered to be used. Skill 4 and Skill 3 automatically trigger this skill for you upon pressing them, so for the regular temporal rift rotation you won’t have to explicitly press this.

When you reach 6 shots, you will be unable to fire and are forced to use Skill 2 (Reload). Except your 5th Skill (Silver Bullet).

However, during Gunslinger Mode which will be gone over next, you will be spamming this button to maximise DPS as you will have unlimited shots.

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Use this skill after you nuke if you are using the regular Temporal Rift rotation as it replenishes your shots.

If you are running Gunslinger Mode rotation, then you are usually meant to press 2 after using up your 6 shots. When you are in the stance, you spam 1.

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Skill is used for dodging mainly rather than DPS due to the defensive buffs it gives. You can reach max dodge while this skills buffs are active.

Idea is to weave in 4 in-between enemy autos so that you can dodge safely.

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Skill is mainly used for DPS due to the fact this triggers twice. Unlike the 3 skill, this skill deals damage alongside it’s auto, whereas the 3 skill only has damage from auto.

Due to it’s high skill coefficients and the hybrid function, it is probably your best DPS skill in this entire kit. You can do around 60-80k dps just from spamming this skill alone, ignoring the nuke.

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This is your average temporal collapse nuke, but do not be disheartened by the low coefficient of this nuke, the classes high skill coefficients of its other skills make up for this, and due to its short cooldown you will find this will lead to high dps.

The 5 also blinds enemy, which is useful for dodge rotations.


Situation Enhancements Rating Extra Information
DPS Ravenous/Vim or Forge/Lament 10/10 Best in class DPS. Can probably swap Lament if you’re being buffed enough.
DPS (Alternative) Arcana’s Concerto or Valiance/Vim or Forge/Lament 8/10 Alternative DPS.


Plugging Wander’s video anyway but I’ll simplify gameplay here.

This class scales primarily off LUK stat due to its class model. As such, an item like Felicitous Philtre at bare minimum would be considered BiS for a class like this, providing large AP/SP bonus, alongside this it also buffs the Crit Modifier, Crit Chance making it’s damage higher and more consistent, and also its Evasion stat allowing it to reach the max dodge threshold. This is really cheap too and only costs 8k gold, a max stack of Feli’s only cost 2.4million gold.

The main DPS temporal rift rotation is:

Literally get ~110k+ DPS effortlessly doing this very braindead and fun.

For the Dodge rotation, the idea is to use 3 to get max dodge, then weave in 4 inbetween enemy misses/dodges. So rotation looks something like this.

3 (wait for dodge) → 43 (wait for dodge) → 43 (wait for dodge) → 452

The 5 blinds the enemy, allowing you to weave in 2 and 3 in time for the next attack.

Now to talk about Gunslinger Mode, this mode is where the idea that CSS relies on ping comes from. During Gunslinger mode you have unlimited shots for 2 seconds. So with max haste 0.1 cooldown, you can use your 1 skill 20 times in two seconds at peak. But this is probably not possible due to server lag and your actual numbers can be anything inbetween 8-16 depending on server lag.

The rotation for this varies depending on the boss, so I’ll list a few rotations.
4444 (44) 2 → spam 1 (gunslinger mode) → 52
4444 (44) 2 → spam 1 (gunslinger mode) → 4444 (44) 52

In general ultras the game plan is to either use the regular DPS Temporal Rift rotation or Chaos Rift rotations. Swap out Vim and Lament for Forge and Vainglory if you have enough support as it will provide extra damage. Add in an extra 3 in your rotations instead of 4 if you’re in places where you need extra healing, like UltraDarkon.