Archpaladin Guide
There aren't necessarily any prerequisites to start the quests but it is a good idea to have Rank 10 Good Reputation and the 13 Lord of Chaos saga completed, as this is needed for one of the quests. Please refer to the Faction Reputation Guides for information on how to reach Rank 10 Good.
If you are member or non-mem and had the Paladin class at one point you can skip a decent chunk of the grind. You just need it in your inventory with atleast 1 class point. You can skip to "Commandment" in the Guide if you have done so.
- "A Strong Base"
- Get the Stone Paladin Armour from /temple. You will need to complete this questline if you haven't done so. The armour is available in the shop.
- The Exalted Paladin Seal can be bought from the Mysterious Dungeon Rep shop from Artix, in /darkthronehub. This requires Rank 10 Good Reputation.
- "Proof of Valor"
- For x1000 Undead Energy you need to first have completed the quests in /necropolis upto "A Loyal Follower".
- This will allow you to start gathering Undead Energy. You can obtain this resource the fastest at /necrodungeon from the Doom Overlord as it drops multiple per kill.
- Otherwise if you can’t kill it fast enough, the 5 headed dracolich is a good alternative
- You can receive Binky's Uni-Horn as drop from Binky at /doomvault.
- Complete the questline at /banished or /goto someone and defeat desterrat moya for his drop.
- Travel to /dreadhaven and defeat the Dreadhaven General. You may need to have completed the 13 Lords of Chaos storyline for this map to be available.
- Kill the doomkitten at /doomkitten. You may struggle against this boss but it is best to use a class that doesn't crit. For example Dragon of Time or Blaze Binder, the boss here heals from your crits.
- Kill vordred at /vordredboss for his skull.
- For x1000 Undead Energy you need to first have completed the quests in /necropolis upto "A Loyal Follower".
- "Mastering the Arcane"
- Travel to /xantown and defeat Xan till he drops the Pyromancer Artifact.
- Travel to /dragonheart and kill the Proto-air Dracolich till he drops the Zephyrus Manifesto. Alternatively you can fight the Tempest Dracolich for the same drop.
- Defeat Karok at /northstar. You may need to complete the storyline or /goto to someone here.
- Grab some Nightmare Kibble from any monster in /thirdspell. You may have to complete the storyline or /goto someone here.
- Join /thunderfang and defeat the Lightning ball for Condensed Energy.
- Join /downward and defeat the Crystal Mana Construct for Crystallized Mana Catalyst. You will either have to complete the story line or /goto someone here.
- Go to /farm and beat up the Treeants till they drop the perfect stick.
- "For Those Who Have Fallen"
- Buy the Holy Hand Grenade from the Good Reputation Shop in /swordhaven. Needs Rank 10 Good reputation.
- Grab the Feather of Paradise x20 from /manor from the Bird of Paradise.
- You can obtain the Shoelace from /doomwood, /necrou, /necrotower, or /temple from Doomwood Bonemuncher, Ectomancer, Soldier and Treeants.
- You can obtain the Eternity Flame from /fotia from Amia the Cult Leader. You may have to complete the questline here to access the room, or /goto.
- "Commandment"
- Defeat the Painadin Overlord in /brightfall for the skill observed drop.
- Defeat the Grand Inquisitor at /citdael for the Spirit of Vindication.
- Kill the Chaorrupted Good Lieutenant and Good Lieutenant till they drop the Radiant Blade Enhancement at /alliance.
- "Hymn of Light"
- Grab the Divine Elixir from the /poisonforest by killing Xiaver Lionfang.
- Get the Prayer of Salvation from defeating /ultraalteon.
- Get acolyte's braille from /newfinale by defeating the Chaos Healer at willow creek, screen 2.
- Get 25 Innocence from the /skytower map by defeating the Dove.
"Righteous Seal"
- Join /xancave and get the Fists of Fire from the Shurpu Ring Guardian.
- Join /spellcraft and use the Archmage Ink to make this combination for the Scrolls of Ethereal Slumber.
- Join /onslaughttower and defeat the Golden Caster for the Holy Magic Attunement.
- Travel to /palace and defeat Pettivox. You may need to complete the questline for this.
"Sacred Magic: Eden
- Join /seraph and defeat Adventus for the Sacred Tome. You may need to complete the questline for this.
- Get the Paladaffodil from /marsh Marsh Tree's.
- Join /wanders and defeat the Lotus spider for the Spirit Lotus.
- Join /gaiazor and defeat the Wisterrora for the Cyanoblossom.
- Join /gaiazor and defeat the Nevanna for the BrightOak Forest Sapling. Will need to /goto if you haven't finished the storyline.
- Travel to /bloodtusk and defeat the trollola plant for the Radiant Magnolia.
- Travel up the /infernalspire and defeat Malxas till he drops the Forbidden Demon Seal.
You should now be able to get Archpaladin straight from Artix. For a class guide on how to use it, check over here.